1/AT THE LIGHTS.... Every journey is stop/start with seconds, minutes or hours to fill in between the moving.
2/KNOTWOOD Played on a 14 note pentatonic Ghanaian balafon called the Gyil and introduced by frogs in Accra after a downpour. I stayed most of the night at a funeral in the city. Two of these instruments were played non-stop whilst mourners slowly circled the players.
3/PLAGUE TOWN Going nowhere except round and around at 4am once again.
4/RUHR A long train journey through a dark grey German industrial landscape under light grey skies - criss crossed with thin black power lines.
5/WHITECHAPEL These bells date from the mid 1800’s and were born in the Whitechapel Bell Foundry in London. Designed to be ‘swung’, in this case they were percussed with either end of a pair of vibraphone mallets.
6/LEAVING OF INCHEON On flights out of Seoul they show live shots of the underneath of the plane as it takes off. My shaky film of the screen sparked off this music.
7/CARAVANETTE The crackling air and rolling dunes of the Qatar desert as seen and smelt from an expensive Jeep with deflated tyres.
8/DUBAI SUPERMALL Anything is possible in Dubai with a fat wallet. If you can’t get the real thing you can get a bigger hollower fake. In the shopping malls you might find an artificial snowscapeskislope with real indoor falling snow. You’ll be shown to your toboggan by a Polar Bear wearing Islamic clothing.
9/MINEOLA A suburb of New York where I stayed with an ex-pat old school friend. After two weeks of working on glamorous Broadway I became a NY commuter and loved it.
10/SPECIAL BUS SERVICE Most trips home to Brighton at the weekend end with one of these. So, not so special after all.